No Country for Old Men By Cormac McCarthy

Cormac McCarthy writes about Texas which means the sound of gun fires is a must in the background to show the real mood of the area. Moss, just an ordinary hunter was on a tour when he heard the gunshots that resulted in the crash of a big deal. The result was seen in the form of a few dead bodies on the spot with a briefcase containing two million dollars. Moss instead of trying to help the wounded just took the bag and ran away with it towards his house. At his house, he had his beloved wife i.e Carla Jeans whom he asked to go to her mother’s house for a day or two. 

During her absence, Moss hid the money in a duct so that no one could reach it except him. Drug cartel waiting for money got furious about all of this and it hired Anton for the job. Anton of course was not an ordinary man; he at that time was one of the most wanted criminals of the town.

 Along with him the sheriff of the town also launched an investigation of his own. All Moss at this stage could do was to try to look for a safe house for him and his two million dollars. Moss’s wife also gets into trouble because of his deed but there is no returning from such acts. Corrosiveness of Blood Meridian and The Road can be found at all stages of this novel. 

Cormac never presents a story that is soothing because the author wants to portray the true picture of the west of his era. Tom Stechschulte narrates with a stern style to convey the message to the listener that there is nothing non serious about the book.

#Literature & #Fiction, #Action & #Adventure

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