First Meetings Audiobook free online By Orson Scott Card

First Meetings is a novel at the pinnacle of power by author Orson Scott Card. It brings together a collection of 3 journey novels about the origin and fate of Ender Wiggin. We invite you to watch the next development of this fascinating novel.

We invite you to listen to this fascinating story. Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: First Meetings Audiobook by Paul Hartwell

After finishing Ender In Exile, I wasn’t completely satisfied due partially that one of the most important characters to the series wasn’t mentioned at all. This book contains four short stories (including the meeting between Jane and Ender. The book is short and fairly satisfying. I was intrigued by the first two stories about Enders father (the first tale) and how his mother and father met. The third tale is the original novella of Enders Game. It’s great but I’m so glad that the full novel was written. The story barely touched on the character at all but rather with his battle stories. Finally, the last story is about his meeting of Jane. It wasn’t my favorite and had a more comical feel than I expected (which isn’t bad) but it was a nice read nonetheless. Overall, it’s a nice quick read if you’re between books in the series. It gives some light background to characters as well as the original Enders Game. I would suggest this novel if you are interested in the Enders Series (not so much if you aren’t)

Review 2: First Meetings Audiobook by Aluerik

This is a collection of three short stories and the original “Ender’s Game” that was published in 1977 as a novella rather than the book that it has become. The first story, “The Polish Boy,” is about John Pual, a young Polish boy in a Catholic family that has disobeyed the Hegemon’s law about birth limitations (only two kids per family – they have many more) and the family’s meeting with International Fleet for testing. The second story, “Teacher’s Pest,” follows John Paul again, but this time he is in college, and tells the story of how he fell in love and courted a young woman on campus. We are led to believe that these two lovers then later become Ender’s parents. The third story, “Investment Counselor,” is about Ender, now 20 years old and living as Andrew Wiggin on other worlds than Earth, and his first meeting with Jane who readers will meet (have met) in books later on in the chronology of this series.

I thought these were all written very well – Orson has a way with words that suck me into books like few authors have been able to. I didn’t like the spacing of the books, it felt too juvenile for a 26 year old reader like myself,but then I discovered this is a juvenile book and I no longer hated it. In fact, being a slow reader, I began to embrace the spacing because now I could read one story per night at approximately 50 pages, something I rarely (if ever) can claim on “adult” books.

Very good and short snippets going into the Enderverse from perspectives I didn’t even dream about considering. thanks O.S.C and Tor

Review 3: First Meetings Audiobook by Joshua Lake

This collection of four short stories puts additional life into the Enderverse, as it fills out the personalities of lesser-known figures. In what I consider the strongest story, “The Polish Boy,” five-year old John Paul, Ender’s father, baffles the authorities with his college-level reading ability and negotiating prowess. The childhood brilliance of the Ender’s Game characters is back, as John Paul outwits and outmaneuvers the Battle School leadership. In the second story, “Teacher’s Pest,” John Paul, the dazzlingly brilliant college student, woos the only student instructor to ever challenge his intellect, and Card gives the reader a glimpse of the first blossoming of love between Ender’s parents.

The familiar characters from the full-length Ender novels return in the final two stories. “Ender’s Game” is the original short story that spawned the entire Enderverse. This is the weakest of the four stories, but only because readers will have read the more polished version in the final novel of the same name. In the final story, “The Investment Counselor,” fans of Ender’s digital companion, Jane, will enjoy the tale of her genesis. Even readers unfamiliar with the Ender’s Game sequels in which Jane appeared will find this a pleasant story following Ender immediately after the conclusion of the Ender’s Game tale.

#audiobook, #online, #bestselller, #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Short Stories

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