Takedown online free | Scot Harvath Book 5 By Brad Thor

Takedown is the fifth novel in the Scot Harvath series by famous author Brad Thor. The content of this story is about thousands of vacationers preparing to leave Manhattan, a perfectly executed terrorist attack has plunged the city into crisis and death.

Counter Terrorist agent has to overcome difficulties to fight this mastermind terrorist. We invite you to watch the great story below.

We invite you to listen to this fascinating story. Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Takedown audiobook by Dan Berger

This was, as jihadi terror thrillers go, fairly gripping, particularly in its early pages as the attack on New York City takes place. You can’t help but remember September 11.

Scot Harvath, in a secret program that is in but not of the Department of Homeland Security, naps a jihadi bombmaker living openly in Montreal under lax Canadian refugee laws, and sneaks him over the border into New York State. There he turns him over to other antiterrorism ops.

He’s decompressing over a brew with an old military buddy near Times Square when the attack takes place. Its bridges and tunnels destroyed or blocked, Manhattan is cut off and plunged into chaos. The president’s daughter is injured and barely escapes with her life.

We readers have been tipped that there’s more than meets the eye. And it dawns on Harvath and his pal, Bob Herrington, that it might be a diversion for further attacks. Quickly assembling a team of veterans – from Herrington’s therapy group at the VA Hospital in lower Manhattan – they take what leads they can find and begin to hunt the killers.

They get resistance from above, though. Harvath learns the group he handed the jihadi off to that morning, isn’t what it was supposed to be. What’s going on has two or three layers, and on the bad guys’ side, they’re not all on the same page either.

The book develops into a more standard terrorist pageturner, with plenty of action and suspense. Harvath has been mulling whether he wants to stay in government service. Fighting with a selfless group of patriots, all wounded warriors, reminds him of why he’s stayed in this long. Romantic sparks flickering with one of them, the wounded bomb tech Tracy Hastings, gives him a new focus in life and a way of moving past his failed romance with Meg Cassidy. (She’s engaged to someone else but Thor hints it’s not over yet.)

The character of the Troll, the sinister dwarf with a pervasive worldwide hacking and blackmail operation, guarded by his two huge white dogs, was evocative of “Game of Thrones”, which this story preceded. But like a lot of thriller bad guys, he’s kind of unbelievable – not so much the dwarf part, but in how successfully and skillfully he’s a one-man operation. And right down to the end where he plots to kill an old adversary with his custom-built tiny sniper rifle. Ops and assassins are a lot more believable when they have larger organizations behind them, gathering information, getting it to them, dropping them in and extracting them, disposing the bodies, cleaning up evidence at the sites. No one can do it all themselves

The story was at its best with the attack on New York City. You could smell the dust and feel the chaos. In a lot of thrillers, the attack is stopped in the nick of time, but not this one. It’s good to be reminded of what can happen.

Review 2: Takedown audiobook by Andrew

I won’t get too much into the plot – reminiscent of any book in the genre I’ve read. Good looking spy is aided by a hot female to thwart terrorists.

I’d say Thor’s actual writing style noticeably improves in this book or the prior one in the series.

The first book or 2 his writing is clumsy to the point of being irritating at times. The stories have all been good, though they seem to be have improved to a lesser extent as well.

At this point I am most of the way through the next book in the series and have enjoyed them all and plan to catch up and continue the series.

Review 3: Takedown audiobook by Austin Stern
I really do enjoy all of the Brad Thor books tHat I have read and highly recommend them to anyone wanting to read a good international intrigue type of book. His plots are terrific. I was a little disappointed that Scot’s girl friend got murdered at the new of the story as I really thought that he had, at last, found someone who could live with lifestyle…I do hope that he is able to recover in future books and that he is able to settle down and retire to a moe normal life eventually. Keep writing, Brad! A merry Xmas to all who read this.

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