Free Online Audiobook – Change Agent By Daniel Suarez

Change Agent is a New York Times bestselling Sci-Fi horror novel by author Daniel Suarez. The content is about exploring a potential future of CRISPR gene editing that allows humanity to take control of its own evolution. Interpol agent Kenneth Durand is pricked by a needle, his modification process begins again….

Here are the top 3 reviews and commentsthat readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Change Agent audiobook by Brian

A terrifying look into our future

I really enjoyed Daemon by Daniel Suarez so when I saw that Change Agent was coming out, I had to get it. I pre-ordered it from Audible (something I rarely do) and the day that it arrived I was lucky that I was just about to finish the last book I started.

Change Agent is a story about Kenneth Durand an Interpol agent who is mysteriously changed into someone that he is not. Not just a small change either, but a full change. So much so that he quickly realizes that he is a wanted man and that this will forever change the way that the police will be able to solve crimes.

There are two authors that I read that remind me of Michael Crichton. Douglas E Richards and Daniel Suarez. Suarez is able to weave what is going on today with what he thinks will come in the future and it’s terrifying. I work in a technology firm and he’s not wrong with what he’s thinking. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of what was written in Change Agent comes true at one time or another.

Durand as a character allowed the reader to follow along with someone as their own opinions of people and things they fought for so long was changing. Kenneth grew many times throughout Change Agent and really became one of the more dynamic characters I’ve read in a long time.

The overall story was one of the best I’ve read this year. It kept me wondering throughout and I honestly couldn’t put this book down. I kept saying “one more chapter” late into the night. Each chapter brought me closer to the end, but I promise that this book will have a hold on my mind for a while.

A fast-paced technothriller on par with every Crichton novel I’ve ever read, maybe even a little more terrifying. Suarez took things that are real today and showed us what could happen in the future if we’re not careful.

Review 2: Change Agent audiobook by Christopher

Still wrapping my head around it…

I’m a huge fan of Suarez previous work, and his set of Daemon and Freedom TM is my favorite story. That being said, I must say I never got attached to the main character in this book. He is a bit of a bleeding heart, who I personally would never see eye to eye with… but I’m leaving that out of my criticism here, being that’s a personal taste thing.
It’s the tactical errors he makes I’m mostly bothered by. I can’t divulge without giving up plot points, but I will say he places himself in some precarious positions through sheer stupidity, and blind faith.
I would have enjoyed a little more development from the partner’s (Yi) investigative side.
With the bleeding heart male figure, and women who lead by force, and the main characters metamorphosis resembling a very ‘active’ Hollywood Star currently making movies at a feverish pace (you smell what I’m cookin?) it Feels as if it were written for the big screen, which I’m hoping for Suarez sake that happens. He absolutely deserves it. I just wish someone would make a big budget version of Daemon for the big screen instead.

Review 3: Change Agent audiobook by Michael Lyons

I loved all his other works

I loved everything else Suarez has written. And the elements are here but it just does not come together. A lot of long dialogs describing an scene or item. Also he uses the concierge/pageant/show room floor method of story telling way too many times.

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