
Invisible is a novel by author James Patterson, David Ellis. Everyone thought Emma Dockery was crazy. Emma is obsessed with finding the connection of hundreds of unsolved cases, Emma resigns from her job as an FBI researcher investigating many unexplained murder cases.

We invite you to listen to this fascinating story.

This time I know it I know it with certainty that chokes my throat
The group’s and twist my heart until it this time
This time
Too bright
Too much smoke
The house alarm is screaming out
Not the early warning beep but the piercing you’re totally screwed if you don’t move now squealed
I don’t know how long it’s been going off but it’s too late for me now
Searing oven black heat within the four corners of my bedroom
Putrid black smoke flares and pollutes my lungs
The orange Flames Rippling across the ceiling above me
Dancing around my bed almost in rhythm
A taunting staccato popping and crackling
Like it’s not fire but a collection of flames working together
Collectively they want me to know as a bob up and down and spitting
This time
It’s too late
The window
Do a chance to jump off the bed to the left and run for the window the only part of the bedroom still available
The enemy is cornering me
Daring me
Go ahead at me
Don’t for the window Amy
This is my last chance and I know but don’t want to think about what happens if I fail
But I have to start preparing myself for the pain
It will just hurt for a few minutes
It will be a smashing twisting Agony but then the heat will shrivel off my nerve endings in elf filmed
Or better yet I’ll pass out from carbon monoxide poisoning
Nothing to lose
No time to waste
The Flames hit my flannel comforter with my legs over to the floor
If I bounced up off the mattress and race the 1234 steps to the window
Girlish panicky squeal escapes my throat
Like when Daddy and I used to play Chase in the backyard and he was closing in
I’m over my shoulder and lunge against the window a window that was specifically built to not shatter and ringing
The alarms squeal in the Laughing of the Flames is a hideous Roar a hungry growl
Bounce off the window and Falls backward into the Raging Heat
I tell myself
Sucking the toxic pollution
Take a breath
I stayed a nobody in my dark
Fire-free room
My eyes Sting from sweat
My wife done with my t-shirt
I know better than to move right away
I remain still until my pulse returns to human levels
Until my breathing even though
I look over the clock radio
Wear red fluorescent square numbers tell me it’s half past 2
I think he’s conquered something
You work on it over and over and tell yourself you’re getting better you will yourself to get better
You congratulate yourself on getting better
And then you close your eyes at night
He drifted off into another world and suddenly your own brain is tapping you on the shoulder and saying
Guess what you’re not better
I love that one can
Cloosiv exhale
And reach for my bedroom light
When I turn it on
The fire is everywhere
It’s my wallpaper now
Various photographs in case summaries
Inspectors report adorning the walls of my bedroom
Fires involving deaths in cities throughout the United States
Hawthorne Florida
Skokie Illinois
Cedar Rapids Iowa
Plano Texas
Piedmont California
And of course
Peoria Arizona
I move along the wall and quickly review each one
Then I had to my computer and start opening emails
There are undoubtedly more
This guy
Isn’t going to stop
I’m here for the dick
That’s not what I actually say but
That’s what I mean
Emmy Dockery for Mr Dickinson please
The woman parked at a wedge of a desk outside Dickinson’s office is someone I’ve never met
Her name plate says
If it looks like a Lydia
Cropped brown hair and black horn-rimmed glasses and a cream silk blouse
She probably write sonnets in her spare time
She probably has three cats and
Likes Indian food homemade she would call it cuisine
I shouldn’t be so catty but
Annoys me that there’s someone new but something has changed since I left
I Feel Like a Stranger in an office where I Faithfully lieverd for almost 9 years
Did you have an appointment with the director
Lydia looks at me with a satisfied smirk
She knows I don’t have an appointment
She knows because I called up from the lobby to see if I was authorized to enter
She sits reminding me that I’ve only gotten this far as some kind of courtesy
The director
I asked fo confusion
You mean the executive assistant director for the criminal cyber response and services branch
I can be a b****
But she started it
I wait Lydia out because I wouldn’t be standing here if the dick hadn’t agreed to see me
He makes me wait with you so like him
But 20 minutes later I’m in the office of the dich
Dark wood walls and trophy photographs on the walls
Diplomas ego stuff
The dich
Has a tremendous an entirely undeserved opinion of himself
The ever-present tan and comb over the extra 10 lb
Smarmy smile
Gestures to a seat for me
He says
Thick with false pity in his voice but his eyes bright
Already he’s trying to get a rise out of me
You haven’t returned any of my emails I say taking a seed
That’s right
I haven’t
He says
Making no attempt to justify the stiff arm he’s giving me
He doesn’t have to
He’s the boss
I’m just an employee
I’m not even mad at the moment
I’m an employee on unpaid leave whose career is hanging by a string
Whose career could be destroyed by the man sitting across from me
Have you at least read them
Dickinson removes a silk cloth from his drawer and clean his eyeglasses
I got far enough to see that you’re talkin about a series of fires
He says
Fires that you think are the work of a criminal genius
Who has managed to make them appear on related
Basically yes
What I did read and its entirety he adds with a sour note
Was a recent article from the Peoria times
Local newspaper in a small Arizona town
He looks up a printout of the article and read from it
Eight months after her sister’s death in a house fire
Emmy Dockery is still on a crusade
To convince the Peoria Police Department that Marta dockery’s death was not an accident


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