Private Vegas

Private Vegas is the ninth novel in the Private series by renowned author James Patterson, Maxine Paetro. The story revolves around the city of Las Vegas is a place of many contradictions: secret and wild, flashy, hidden secrets. Business Lester Olsen, he entertains beautiful women at the restaurant and helps them how to kill people.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Private Vegas audiobook by Mel

Another “Private” Disappointment

I love this concept BUT…. This was my 4th listen in the Private series…. and will likely be my last. I love the concept of the exclusive high-end celebrity security firm and Book One delivered but not the past three. This one has nothing to do with Las Vegas.

Do Patterson / Paetro churn these out over a long week-end? I’ll stick w/ Michael Bennett and the Murder Club.

Review 2: Private Vegas audiobook by J. Hall

Why was this book called Private Vegas?

The title has no connection to the content of the book. The bulk of the story takes place in LA. Less than a third is set in Vegas or even focused on the Vegas located characters. There was little actual investigation or mystery. The focal bad guys of this book (who were in Beverly Hills NOT Las Vegas) weren’t ultimately stopped by Private. There characters were interesting but their story lacked a satisfying resolution. Jack proved to be the worst boss ever by sending a novice investigator to work undercover with ZERO back up. The bulk of the story wasn’t driven by Private employees.

In addition to the issues with the plot the ending was very abrupt. I initially thought my file had been truncated. But then the sample chapter from NYPD Red started playing so I figured that must have been the end. As a book ending this was ultimately unsatisfying. But it held my attention on my commute.

I really enjoyed Private LA, Private Games, Private Berlin and Private Down Under so I may not drop the series altogether but I don’t think I’ll bother with any of the LA based books again.

Review 3: Private Vegas audiobook by JMB

It was a fast paced book, which I enjoy, although the ending was a bit soft. Everything was tied up, but it just seemed a bit light/soft. There were a number of plots & subplots through the story. There were the fire bombings of extravagant high priced cars, Rick del rio was on trial for beating up a former flame. Young women learning how to snag very old multi million dollar men looking for sweet young things to marry. A lot of strife between jack & his identical twin Tommy who had to be the evil twin, of course. And of course there were a number of Private employees having issues. Maybe there was just too much going on.

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