The Gender Game 4: The Gender War

The Gender Game 4: The Gender War is the fourth book in the The Gender Game series by author Bella Forrest. For the sake of Viggo, my brother, and all the citizens of the abandoned nations, I must stop the war.

We invite you to follow this wonderful story.

Chapter one
Eyebrows my cell like a caged animal
The blank white walls and iron bars stared back as I paced blindly
Seething with rage
Nothing could excuse my disgusting lack of foresight
My head still throbs where the Metreon Warden had knocked me out with the butt of her rifle as I’d resisted arrest
I hadn’t foreseen even as simple an act of brutality is that
Looking back it was obvious the matrons would have been suspicious of violet and me
I had seriously misjudged the situation
And the woman I loved more than anything we’re going to pay the price for it
Unless I could find a way to get out
I had to put aside the rage that was bringing my blood to a fine boil just under my skin and stink
Sitting down on the shelves narrow bench it’s only comfort
I tried to forget about all the events that have brought me here
I needed that baggage out of the way so I can work on a way to escape
When I’ve been a warden of Patriots clearing my head had been easy even normal for the days I’ve spent again
Ignoring my feelings scraping by in the Dole everyday routine
But since violet
I’ve been getting used to having a direction and a purpose in my life again
And a choice
So I was having a hard time letting all of this go
At first I thought our arrest was due to the Natural confusion and panic over the realization of a possible
However we had diffuse the bomb saving the Queen’s life
There have been Witnesses both on the balcony and down below
Who could testify that I had wrestled the bag away from the determined terrorist
And that Violet had disarmed it
So the violence and doubts we had been met with was almost unbelievable
Certainly unjust
My hands clenched of their own volition
A martial arts reflex
And I stared down into my lap where silver Links of handcuffs were digging into the Flesh of My Hands
This was my first obstacle
And it wasn’t impossible
I had learned all sorts of creative and fun ways to get out of handcuffs as a warden
In this type was the easiest to circumvent
All I needed was something slim preferably metallic
Easier said than done when the room was nothing but a set of bars in three stone walls
And a bench I reminded myself
Looking down that it
Spreading my legs a little wider
I bent at the waist to peer at the shadowed area under the bench
Studying how would have been installed
As I had hoped the bench wasn’t built into the wall
The screws covered up by plaster and Stone
It was held up by flimsy metal supports that filled up and bolted to the wall and the underside of the bench
The screws were visible
The little round headset into their grooves
I smile in spite of everything
The screw would be a bit big but I just needed the tip of it
Getting one out of the wall however was another story
I looks down at my clothes and fumbled for my belt remembering that Violet had told me she’d used a dog.
Caller as a makeshift screwdriver
My girl was nothing if not inventive
Taking a violet Center thread of fear through me
I haven’t seen her since they separated us hours ago
And I wasn’t sure how long I’ve been unconscious before waking up and being dragged by Four Women through the core
Corridors of the Queen’s prison to this cell
If it weren’t for the fact that we have been treated so violently
I would have believed this was just standard procedure
I knew Violet was still wanted
Wrongly charged for the murder of Queen Rena but I would have assumed our actions would at least buy us some considered
Unless of course we were being played
Wish I was strongly beginning to suspect
But in what way
I considered the possibility that Queen Elena board Violet some Grudge regarding her mother
Yes if she were a reasonable human she would have heard Violet out
Especially seeing as the both of us had saved her life
And the lives of countless others
Which made me return to the feeling that something was going seriously wrong
I’ve been here too long without a chance to make a statement or plead my case
And when the female wardens looked at me
I didn’t see any trace of sympathy or Mercy in their eyes
I saw anger
Unbridled and raw
They could be doing anything to Violet
Unless they decided she was more trouble than she was worth and just executed her by injection as
Standard protocol in matrice
My heart alerts data thought like a top suddenly thrown off balance and since skittering across the floor
I wouldn’t accept that possibility
Not now not ever
Violet and I have been through too much for me to believe that there was no chance I could save her
I had to believe that they wanted her alive at least for now
But I still had time to get her out of this
And with whatever was going on
It would be better to act first and beg forgiveness later
Sliding the belt through the loop of my pants
Using my wrists more than my hands I lay on my side next to the bench
And began poking the buckles metal prong into the little divots on the screws
Trying to get them to catch and hold
After a minute of cursing and slipping
I realized that I was going to have to use the prong as a pic instead
It wouldn’t be as easy as using the screws but it would have to do
Sitting back on the bench
I spent precious minutes trying to figure out how to hold the belt between my thighs and Slide the wrong into the hole
Near the base of one of the cars
Finally with a few delicate manipulations
I heard the tiny mechanism click
I pushed that site open and went to work on the 2nd
It took me a full 20 seconds to get this one off
Which field aggravating leave pathetic
Still the handcuffs were off which moved the escape plan to stage two
Defeating the cell door
The lock on this was bigger and I started my belt prong dubiously
Convinced it wasn’t up for the task
Even in my anger I’ve been watching my captors patterns
Agard patrolled the corridor here like clockwork
Every 15 minutes one would walk by to check on me
I doubted I could pick the lock in 15 minutes
Not from the inside
Reaching around the bars to the front of the door with such a complicated lock and such a flimsy piece of metal


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