The Gender Game 5: The Gender Fall

The Gender Game 5: The Gender Fall is the fifth book in The Gender Game series by author Bella Forrest. This is an interesting story that is loved and accepted by young people.

We invite you to follow this wonderful story.

Chapter one
Everything hurt
Every time I struggle to break through the thin web of sleep holding me
I was confronted by the pain
In my hand
In my arm
In my head
Was I dead
Was this the afterlife
Was I finally paying for all the horrible things I’ve done
No something whispered reassuring me
Is reality
I struggled as fragments of memories washed over me
A woman with a face of a bulldog
A vicious smile twisting her lips
A boot coming down on my wrist
The flashing silver of a knife as it came for me
A ball of fire that threatened to engulf me
Was a refuge
The sweet Blackness beckoning me in cradling and hiding me from the pain and confusion
I was tempted to Just Surrender to its embrace
But a part of me held back
Turning toward the light
Something in me burned with an urgency denoting importance
Something was happening
Something worth facing the pain
The thought created a buoyancy forcing me to surface
Something was drilling into my consciousness
The sound of urgent voices
My eyes snapped open
And a week grown slipped from my mouth as daggers of bright electric lights
Stabbed deep through the to treacherous or
Gabbing hard into my skull
I clenched my eyes shut as pain and panic twisted my muscles
Someone whispered fiercely hold her
And hands like vices locked around my limbs
All except my right wrist
I tried to lift that hand to defend myself
Only to find it was heavier more painful than I remembered
Something touched my hand and guided it downward
The touch was agony
And groaned again
The Medicine Woman reappeared in my mind’s eye haunting me
And I fought harder as I recalled who she was
Her name was Tabitha
She was going to hurt me
I needed to free myself but belatedly remembered that she was so much stronger than me
I couldn’t let her win I couldn’t
And there was something else going on
Something that needed my attention
I couldn’t sleep yet
Slowly insistently something warm and loving cut through my Terror
A strong steady voice reaching through the hysteria urging me to relax
I couldn’t understand the words but the tone itself
Felt like a warm blanket draping over my injuries
It told me I was safe
I was alive
That woman was gone and I didn’t have to fear her ever again
The voice was powerful
Yet it was also gentle reassuring
A face flashed in my mind
His green eyes haunted
A scar across his right cheek
Wavy brown hair that leaned back in the shadows
Under bright as chocolate when the sun hit it
My mind whispered
And I felt myself smile
Then force myself to stop as half my face erupted in tight
Freaking agony
I took a deep breath trying to soothe the aching area
It took a moment but the pain receded
My mind felt clearer again
I shouldn’t hurt this much
Not if I was with Vigo
If I was with Viggo I was safe
But something in me knew that wasn’t right
Sometimes danger followed us
With a danger that had woken me
My heart thudded hard against my aching ribcage
If nothing else I needed to know what was reality and what was just delirium
I force my eyes open
Slowly this time
Blessed having them before
But still too bright
Stream down on me
And a brown pattern Flew Over Me unfamiliar disorienting
It took me too long to realize what should have been simple
We were inside a building
I was staring at a ceiling
My head bobbed up and down on something firm but not hard
I could feel fabric under my fingers
There was a smell of sweat but something underneath it
Ascent it reassured me with its familiarity
I was in vigo’s arms
The thought was absurdly comforting
Although everything still hurt my environment still swinging dizzily before me
His voice continued to murmur above me and I turned my face toward the source listening
He was saying something
Something different now
I couldn’t understand the tone anymore it was
But worried
Was that regret
I wished I could understand what he was saying
And then abruptly
The Voice turn to a different tone sharper harsher more desperate
It hushed altogether
The sensation was like sitting by a window reading only to become aware that the Grasshoppers had stopped singing
A sign that a predator was among them in the bushes waiting to Feast on the first brave soul justo
Started to sing
The quiet convinced me again that something was horribly wrong
And yet the ceiling above me continued swaying before my eyes
Moving past me
As though our flight was uninterrupted
I tried to speak
Just a word
A question
But my mouth felt like it was stuffed full of cotton
My jaw a tot spring
Impossible to uncoil
I rounded my lips forcing sound out anyway
Someone replied
And our movement seemed to increase in Temple vertigo swelling in my stomach with the motion
I briefly closed my eyes trying to fight the nausea
Stabbing pain bloomed from my sides everytime Vito’s body jostle.
I swallowed
My mouth going dry
But when I open my eyes again
I realized I had a sense of direction
We were moving downward
I tilted my face away from vigo’s body and suddenly I could hear the thump of feet hitting stairs
I borrowed my head back into Vigo shoulder and a sound faded
I slowly sucked in air
Still trying to calm my stomach
Someone was talking
His voice was familiar but muffled
As if I were listening to it underwater
I tilted my head slightly and suddenly his voice was loud again
So sudden after its absence that it felt as if the familiar voice were shouting from inside my skull


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