Leo’s Chance/ Sign of Love, Book 2 – Audiobook Online

Leo’s Chance is the second literary fiction book in the Sign of Love series by author Mia Sheridan.
Does everyone deserve a second chance? People lie and cheat to get it? Do we all get a second chance? When we contribute to our own destruction? How much will you fight for a second chance at love? A second chance in life? Another chance to tell your own story? Every love story has two sides. Evie told her. This time it was Leo’s chance.

I must admit that I am always intrigued when reading books from another character’s point of view, however after reading Evie’s point of view.
It was easy to fall in love with Leo in the first book and after learning his story, it broke my heart for the guy who always blamed himself for having so many things out of his control happen to him. One of the things I absolutely love and respect about Jake/Leo is his ability to take responsibility for his mistakes and to want to fight to correct them and make them better.

Throughout the book, memories of Leo’s recovery are incorporated into the story. In this way, I think it really helps the reader understand how Leo has struggled with what happened in his life. I enjoyed seeing Leo’s healing, and how he began to realize that there are people in the world who love, care, and are willing to fight for you and with you.
By seeing Leo’s point of view, I think it really helps the reader understand how difficult the struggle is for him. It makes you completely understand how intensely he loves Evie. As you go on with the story, it’s easy to see how much the boy Evie fell in love, to see the care and strength she saw in Leo from the start.

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