The Death of Jesus – Audiobook Online

The Death of Jesus is a novel by J. M. Coetzee that tells the story of a young boy named David who is adopted by a couple in a foreign country. David has a mysterious illness that gradually takes his life, and his adoptive parents do everything they can to help him. The story follows David’s journey as he learns about life and death, and the power of love and language. Along the way, he develops a close bond with a girl named Ines, who becomes his companion and confidante. As David’s condition worsens, his adoptive parents must come to terms with the inevitable and face their own mortality. The novel explores themes of love, loss, and the struggle to understand the meaning of life and death.

A masterful new novel completes an incomparable trilogy from J. M. Coetzee, Nobel laureate and two-time winner of the Booker Prize.

In The Childhood of Jesus, Simòn found a boy, David, and they began life in a new land, together with a woman named Inès. In The Schooldays of Jesus, the small family searched for a home in which David could thrive.

In The Death of Jesus, David, now a tall 10-year-old, is spotted by Julio Fabricante, the director of a local orphanage, playing football with his friends. He shows unusual talent. When David announced that he wants to go and live with Julio and the children in his care, Simòn and Inès are stunned. David is leaving them, and they can only love him and bear witness.

With almost unbearable poignancy J. M. Coetzee explores the meaning of a world empty of memory but brimming with questions.

If we are looking for one meaning, or decodable allegories, we are constantly wrong-footed and mystified, but if we are looking for a very moving and engaging fiction we will be completely satisfied. What was the boy David’s message or mission finally? We will never know, but I for one feel rewarded by this book, and not cheated. What a great and much misunderstood writer (like Ishiguro) he is.

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