The Invisible Bridge – Audiobook Online

“The Invisible Bridge” is a non-fiction book by Rick Perlstein that explores the tumultuous political landscape of America during the mid to late 1970s, marked by the fall of Nixon and the rise of Reagan. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the Watergate scandal, the Vietnam War, the cultural revolution, and the economic struggles of the era. Perlstein delves into the personal lives of political figures, including Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, as well as the significant social and political movements of the time, such as feminism, environmentalism, and civil rights. Through extensive research and analysis, Perlstein paints a vivid picture of the political climate and the societal changes that shaped the United States during this crucial period, ultimately leading up to the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. The book explores the ideological shifts and cultural shifts that took place, illuminating how they transformed the country and setting the stage for the political landscape of today.

In summary, “The Invisible Bridge” is a well-researched and insightful exploration of one of the most transformative periods in modern American history. It is ideal for readers interested in political and cultural history, offering a deep dive into the political and cultural shifts that defined the era.

From best-selling author Nixonland: a brilliant portrait of America on the brink of a nervous breakdown in the tumultuous economic and political times of the 1970s.

In January 1973, Richard Nixon declared the end of the Vietnam War and prepared for a successful second term – until the televised Watergate hearings revealed that his White House like a mafia lair. The next president declared when Nixon resigned “our long national nightmare is over” – but then congressional investigators exposed the CIA’s assassination of foreign leaders. . The fall of the South Vietnamese government disputed the sacrifice of some 58,000 Americans. The economy was devastated. And as Americans begin to think of their country in a new way – as one more nation among nations, no more important than any other – experts declare that from now on onward it will be the successful politicians who will honor this clean new national mood.

Ronald Reagan never received the message. That’s why, when he announced his intention to challenge President Ford for the Republican nomination in 1976, those same experts dismissed him – until, surprisingly, it seemed he might win. He was inventing the new conservative political culture we know now, in which a vision of patriotism rooted in America’s sense of limits was derailed in the year of the bicentennial of the United States. America by the rise of the smiling politician from Hollywood. In a backdrop of melodramas from the Arab oil embargo to Patty Hearst to the near bankruptcy of America’s greatest city, The Invisible Bridge raises the question: trust in water What does America mean? To wave a flag – or refuse the glitter of flag-waving people?

Rick Perlstein has done it again! After revealing the first steps of new American conservatism in a book about Barry Goldwater and his gripping story of Richard Nixon’s formative years in “Nixonland,” he takes a step further into the years. important 1973 to 1976 when the US missed the opportunity to come to terms. with herself and the rise of Ronald Wilson Reagan, President of teflon, has begun. The title “The Invisible Bridge” is a quote by Nikita Khrushchev: “If you want to cross an imaginary river, you must build an invisible bridge.” And Reagan did just that: He convinced his fellow Americans that their country remained “the last, best hope on Earth” (A. Lincoln) and had defeated Communism. produce. Today, even Barack Obama, who was not at all like Reagan, is imitating his predecessor when it comes to America as the greatest country on the planet.

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