The Kidnapping Of Christina Lattimore – Audiobook Online

“The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore” is a young adult novel by Joan Lowery Nixon. The story revolves around the kidnapping of a wealthy teenage girl, Christina Lattimore, and the efforts of her family and their private investigator to find her.

Christina, a popular girl from a wealthy family, is kidnapped from her house during a birthday party by an unknown assailant. Though her parents pay the ransom demanded by the kidnapper, Christina is never returned. Determined to find their daughter, Christina’s parents hire a private investigator named Darrell and his team to search for her.

As they investigate, they are led down a twisting path of clues, red herrings, and possible suspects. The team discovers that Christina had a secret boyfriend and that her kidnapper may be someone closer to the family than they initially thought. As the days stretch into weeks and the investigation drags on, the family is forced to confront their worst fears and examine their relationships with each other.

The story presents a suspenseful crime mystery that explores the complexities of family dynamics, teenage relationships, and the limitations of the criminal justice system. It exposes the dark and dangerous reality of kidnapping and the devastating impact it can have on both the victim and their loved ones. In the end, “The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore” is a gripping tale of perseverance, hope, and the enduring bonds of family.

The Kidnapping Of Christina Lattimore – Audiobook Online By: Joan Lowery Nixon

Christina Lattimore’s family is rich and powerful. She attended the best private high school. However, Christina feels trapped by her family’s expectations.

Frustrated and angry at her situation, she pays little attention when a strange car chases her home one night. Its headlights were the last thing she remembered until she woke up in captivity. Christina was terrified when she realized her kidnappers were holding her for ransom. But after being rescued, she faces an even bigger shock. Her family thinks she is an accomplice in her own kidnapping. Can she convince them of her innocence.

Joan Lowery Nixon is called the grande dame of young detective writers. Winner of four Edgar Awards, she captivated her fans with a suspenseful story that explores issues of communication and trust. Narrator Julie Dretzin impressively describes Christina’s thoughts as she struggles to make her name clear.

A very good book, any book that interests people is a good book, and of the same genre, down from the mountains. This book was given as a gift to a child participating in the Summer Reading Program at the Nocona Public Library, Nocona, Texas. The book is colorful, engaging and keeps the child interested.

This has exceeded my expectations. I like how the narrator uses the highlights of the story to describe the characters. It always makes my mind work, think and process everything that happens in the book.


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