The Seven Voyages Of Sinbad – Audibook Online

The Seven Voyages of Sinbad is a classic tale about a sailor named Sinbad who goes on a series of dangerous and thrilling journeys. In his first voyage, he sails to an island where he discovers a giant creature called a Roc, which is capable of carrying off an elephant with its talons. Sinbad kills the Roc and takes its egg as a souvenir. On his second voyage, Sinbad travels to a deserted island where he and his crew are captured by cannibals. However, they manage to escape and find a treasure trove. The third voyage sees Sinbad shipwrecked on an island inhabited by giant wolves and turned into a slave. He manages to escape by tricking the wolves into fighting each other. In Sinbad’s fourth voyage, he encounters a group of giant men who appear friendly but reveal themselves to be vicious when they capture his crew. Sinbad uses his wits to survive and manages to escape once again. On his fifth voyage, he and his crew are stranded on an island where they encounter a tribe of serpent – worshipers. With the help of a genie, Sinbad escapes the island and continues his journey. The sixth voyage takes Sinbad to a city where he discovers that a wealthy merchant has been plotting against him. With the help of a princess and the genie, Sinbad outwits the merchant and escapes with his life. Finally, in his seventh voyage, Sinbad returns home to Baghdad where he enjoys his riches and tells his stories to others. Throughout his adventures, Sinbad learns valuable lessons about bravery, perseverance, and humility.

The Seven Voyages Of Sinbad – Audibook Online By: Storynory

After returning from my sixth trip, which brought me a decent profit, I returned to my former life of enjoyment and fun.


I continued in this way for a while until I began to yearn again to go to sea, visit other countries, make friends with like-minded merchants, and experience new things.

So, having made up my mind, I packed up my cargo and dropped it off at the port of Basrah. I found a group of merchants with a ship ready to set sail. I sailed with them, made friends, and sailed in good health and safety with good sails.

Finally, we came to a city called Madinat – al -Sin, where we were thriving. After we set off to leave the city, a strong headwind blew and rain began to soak our ship and cargo. We covered everything with canvas and prayed to Almighty Allah to save us from danger.

When the storm passed, the captain climbed to the top of the mast. He looked right and left and then started punching himself in the forehead.

We cried to him: “Captain, what’s wrong?”
And he replied that:

“Farewell to each other and say a prayer for the dying! The wind has defeated us and driven us to the farthest reaches of the world.”

Then he climbed down, opened his sea chest, and took out a book that he had read for a while in tears. Finally he told us:
“This book describes exactly where we have come. It is a place where there is no way out and we will surely die here!

It is called the ‘King’s Sea’, for here Solomon the Son of David (peace be upon them) was buried under the waves. Big sea snakes live here, so big they could eat a ship!”

This is a great collection of short stories. I haven’t read any other Arab Nights collections, but this one is great. I pick it up and discard it for a few years but can always start with a new story that doesn’t continue from the previous one. Sinbad stories are connected but can be read individually. Good for kids or adults who want to spend half an hour on a short story.

I had the idea it would be fun to ride to work with Toby Stephens reading me a story. I’m right. These are gripping and sometimes hair-raising stories told with all the variety he can bring to his voice to fascinate and enthrall. I’ve heard other books on tape where the reader falters at the woman’s lines or sounds too similar to distinguish between the characters. Toby can go from growl to light like nothing with the greatest ease. These stories have too much violence against the youngest children, but conversely, offer an enjoyable trip to fantasy land thanks to a master storyteller.

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