The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales of Terror – Audiobook Online

This dark psychological fantasy is more than a moral tale. It is also a product of its time, drawing on contemporary theories of class, evolution and criminality, and the secret lives behind Victorian propriety, to create a unique form of urban Gothic.

Wonderful stories and narration.Thorough enjoyed them.Will listen to again. RLS is a master of story telling with beautiful use of language. Michael Kitchen does them justice. Perfect narration.

But please, Mr Producer, please leave a pause between one chapter and the next – and in this case between one story and the next! I had to back up to realise that story two had begun at chapter four and then the third at chapter five. All this slightly detracted from Michael Kitchen’s marvelous reading.
But haunting even so.

Michael Kitchen (aka DCS Foyle !!) does a great job to re-energise a classic tale that somehow never did quite cut it for me as a reading book, even if I am a fan of RLS.

Fast delivery and almost brand new. My child is reading this book as part of her summer reading, and I appreciates the discount from Barnes and Nobels. It is almost 50% off the the list price and I don’t mind the wait for delivery rather than getting it from the book stoer.

Popular opinion aside, many people believe they know the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sadly, this is a tale of hope twisted into madness which has a poignant theme in our present lives.

Had to read this for a university class on Gothic literature and I really enjoyed it. I recommend to anyone as it’s a great read and even if it manages not to tickle your fancy you only have to suffer through 70 pages.

This dark psychological fantasy is not just a moral tale. It is also a product of the times, drawing on contemporary theories of class, evolution and crime, as well as the secrets behind Victorian correctness, to create an urban Gothic form. unique market.

Great stories and narration. Liked them very much. Will listen again. RLS is a master storyteller with a beautiful use of language. Michael Kitchen does justice to them. Perfect narration.

But please, Mr Producer, please leave a pause between this chapter and the next – and in this case between this story and the next! I had to step back to realize that the second story started in chapter four and then the third story in chapter five. All of this slightly detracts from Michael Kitchen’s excellent readability.
But haunting even so.

Michael Kitchen (aka DCS Foyle!!) does a great job of rekindling a classic story that somehow never made me a must-read, even if I were one. fan of RLS.

Fast delivery and almost brand new. My child is reading this book as part of her summer reading program, and I appreciate the discount from Barnes and Nobels. It’s almost 50% off the list price, and I wouldn’t mind waiting for delivery rather than getting it from the bookseller.

Popular opinion aside, many people believe they know the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sadly, this is a story of hope turned into folly that has a deep theme in our present lives.

Had to read this for a college class in Gothic literature and I really enjoyed it. I recommend it to anyone because it’s a great read and even if it doesn’t interest you, you only need to read 70 pages.

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