The Truth: Discworld, Book 25 – Audiobook Online

“The Truth” is the 25th book in Terry Pratchett’s beloved Discworld series, a satirical and humorous fantasy world that has captured the imaginations of fans for decades. In this book, readers are introduced to William de Worde, a young man who starts the first newspaper in Ankh-Morpork, the largest city on the Discworld. Narrated by Tony Robinson, a British actor known for his work in comedy and children’s television, the audiobook captures the wit and humor of Pratchett’s writing. Robinson’s delivery enhances Pratchett’s already charming and silly characters, such as the rather clueless William de Worde, and the anxious and pessimistic Patrician of Ankh-Morpork.

As William’s newspaper gains popularity, he uncovers a conspiracy involving a powerful guild and the city’s tyrannical ruler. Along the way, readers are entertained by comical scenes, witty dialogue, and hilarious mishaps that are typical of Pratchett’s writing. Fans of the Discworld series will enjoy the vibrant and imaginative worldbuilding that Pratchett is known for, as well the witty social commentary that underlies much of his work. “The Truth” is a must-read for anyone looking for a light-hearted and amusing story that does not take itself too seriously, but still manages to deliver a message about the importance of truth and the power of words.

  • The Truth
  • By:  Terry Pratchett
  • Narrated by:  Tony Robinson

William de Worde was the casual editor of Discworld’s first newspaper. Now, he must confront the traditional dangers of a journalist’s life: people who want him dead, a recovering vampire with a suicidal fascination with flash photography, some more wanted him to die in a different way, and worst of all, that man. who kept begging him to post pictures of his funny shaped potatoes. William just wanted to find out the truth.

Unfortunately, the others wanted to get William. And it’s only the third version.

Excellent script by Tony Robinson, this is highly recommended. Especially the villains, Otto, Foul Ole Ron, and all the sly characters are excellent.

I’ve been reading Sir Terry since he was a mentor to co-author Neil Gaimen. This is one of his best Disc world novels: the Ankh-Morpork cast, seemingly anonymous. Excellent English as a troupe. Monty Pythons is here in a supporting role; the city in all its dirty glory; and William de Word and Saccarissa Crisplock at their sole starring locations; although they have subsequent guest spots in other novels.

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