American Operator (Full Audiobook) by Brian Andrews

Thriller with military involved in it never bores the reader as it is always full of enthusiasm and energy. Other books including Crusader One (Tier One #3) – Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson and War Shadows (Tier One #2) – Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson also have the similar theme and should be considered before you proceed with this one as you will know the series better.

The fourth part of the thriller still appeals to the mind like the previous three and not an atom of it different. The story by Brain Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson is based on terrorist attacks on American forces and there effect on the world peace also the novel depicts the reply from the American forces in the form of John Dempsey the former Tier one Navy Seal. The perfect man for the job hired right after the death of US Ambassador in Ankara and the kidnap of Amanda Allen.

The US wants Allen back at any rate as she works for the CIA and the diplomat job was just a cover for her. The story works in two directions or there are two jobs that John had to fulfill. One tow recover the missing agent and second and the most important thing was to detect the weak link in CIA that leaked Amanda’s secret and gave it to the terrorist. The kidnap perhaps could damage the balance of power in the Middle East as well if Amanda reveals all the secrets that she possesses in front of the terrorists.

The mission takes Dempsey to Syria where he is disconnected from all the resources and the connections that he had with the army. The tale emerges as a nice thriller towards the middle when the whole team has just one time to complete the given task and that to with limited resources. The narration is excellent and Ray Porter like always has completed the job in style.




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