Awaken the Giant Within, Audiobook Online

Awaken the Giant Within, Audiobook Online, By: Anthony Robbins.

“I know that no matter where you are in your life, you still want more! No matter how well you’ve done or how challenging you may be right now, deep down inside you there is a the belief that your life experience can and will be far greater than you are now. You are destined for your own unique form of greatness.”
Anthony Robbins has unlocked the personal power within millions of people worldwide. Now, in a revolutionary new audio production based on his hugely popular Date with Destiny workshop, Robbins unleashes the sleeping giant within us all, teaching us to tap into our possibilities. , his untapped talents and skills.

The ultimate program to improve the quality of every aspect of your life (personal or business, physical or emotional) Awaken the Giant Within gives you the tools you need to instantly become a master your own destiny.

In those endless TV shows, Tony Robbins appears as an insincere, hyperactive pitcher whose main goal seems to be to separate the losers from their hard earned money. . The truly amazing fact, however, is that Robbins is not only legitimate, but a source of insight and techniques that work better than ANY other spiritual or motivational guru I’ve come across. right. At first, I had a hard time getting over Robbins’ intense speaking style.

But once I started stopping the tape to answer his questions and really apply his techniques (a combination of Neuro-Association Conditioning and Targeting Intelligence), life Mine has undergone a major change. I keep coming back to his work when my emotional muscles need to be strengthened and am always amazed at the solidity of the “science” behind what he does. This particular summary is concise and powerful and has much lower value.

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