Barrow King: An Epic LitRPG/GameLit Adventure

Barrow King: An Epic LitRPG/GameLit Adventure is the first science fiction novel in The Realms Series by author C.M. Carney. Finn Caldwell is a spy betrayed by those close to him, he thinks he will get away with violence and lies. His estranged sister’s message sent him into The Realms, the world’s most advanced reality game. Finn becomes the warrior-mage Gryph armed with a mysterious artifact known as the Godhead. He must escape a dungeon by defeating King Barrow.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Barrow King: An Epic LitRPG/GameLit Adventure by Ray Johnson

An unexpected Dungeon crawl of fun!

This is a book that does something mind blowing in its execution. It sets up a quest for a man to save his sister by entering a Game World, and then spends the rest of the time with him on a dungeon crawl. It is pure madness in how it appears, but is really flawless in its execution. In fact, the story is more interesting than most books that take place in an open world. I give a real tip of the hat to Chris Carney for the conception and the implementation of this tale. I would never have done what he did, creating a whole world, and then confining the whole book to just one dungeon. Even Dungeon stories have more outside interaction than this book. Not to confuse you, but there is no dungeon core involved in this story. Although, the villain, aka the Barrow King, pretty much runs the place like he was one. I also appreciated how he avoided the trope of the smart mouthed AI that usually helps and hinders the MC as the story progresses. He does so in a pretty clever way that only adds to the story. So, the writing is clearly innovative and original. I get shivers just thinking about how good it was.

The main character, Finn/Gryph learns that his sister is in danger, and has been trapped in a virtual world that is not so virtual for over 40 subjective years. He has to go in and save in spite of the fact that he is not a gamer, nor does he have any real game knowledge or experience. What he does have is real world fighting experience, which he immediately puts to use in the game. His instincts are spot on, and when he listens to them he tends to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. I like his fearlessness, but caution tempered attitude, and can respect a man who can stand up to a god.

The dungeon is full of dangers, and some almost familiar monsters if you are a fan of the Old D&D monster Manuals and Fiend Folio. I think my favorite was the Arboleth encounter that was a stunningly fun battle, and made me long for my old Psionicist character. There are nods to several of the best underdark creatures and races sprinkled throughout the book. It is easter eggs like that that I truly appreciate and respect. It was handled with a delicate hand, as it didn’t beat you over the head with it, but it also gave a nostalgic nod to days long gone. Another aspect of the book that I loved was the time compression that I touched upon a little earlier. Time moves much faster in the game, so days or months here could equal actual years there, I’m not sure about the time dilution, but it certainly made the story more interesting. Speaking of time dilation, this book did not seem like it was thirteen hours long, not even remotely. It was incredibly edited and time managed so that I really never saw a low point, or felt like there was a lull in the story. Once the book got going it was unrelenting, and for me the set up was the only thing that even slightly held the story up, but you have to have that background info, and even that was not some simple I’m entering a game and leveling up.

Armen Taylor really brings his A game to this book. I know I just talked about him in War God’s Mantle, but I have to say he is even better here than he ever has before, and he never sounded bad previously. There is just something in the way that he carries himself, and thereby the characters through the story. He is utterly gripping, and cements himself in the hallows of my heart as a preferred narrator. He really knocks this book out of the park.

Finally, he ends the book on a note with Gryph that I am not sure that I would have, but then he has turned some many other things on their ear that I can trust him to handle the new revelation with complete class and a deft skill that few writers I know can do. This book really hit every mark for me. I have to say that this is an 8.5 easily, but I’m going to go a little higher because of all the creativity employed here. 8.75 Stars, and a helping heap of I can’t wait for the next book.

Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. Getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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Review 2: Barrow King: An Epic LitRPG/GameLit Adventure by Angel Manuel Ortiz


Why would you make a man supposedly a bad ass in real life and an idiot in the game? Yes, they explained why he couldn’t be as bad ass in game as it pertains to retaining skills, but regardless his mental skills are nowhere near what they describe it to be. Left and right he keeps falling for crap that is to stupid as to be viable for an intelligent tactical thinking man as they describe him to be. All that said it is still a worthwhile storyline.

Review 3: Barrow King: An Epic LitRPG/GameLit Adventure by C.R. Swaty

Good beginning to a great series!

The writing and performance are both quite good, but the most important part of this book is it’s the introduction to a great series! Unless you don’t like it for personal reasons, you’ll likely be listening, if not reading the entire thing! Book Four came out not long ago, and it looks to be getting even better! Definitely worth spending a credit.

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