Clinton Cash – Full Audiobook By Peter Schweizer

Clinton Cash right after its release became an instant hit and took its author Peter Schweizer up in the ranks of best writers and also helped him in becoming the best-selling writer in New York Times. The book as expected by the title is based on the former US president Bill Clinton and about some of the financial deals where his corruption was exposed. Walter Dixon has done the narration of Clinton Cash and that was a job excellently done.

It was the year 2000, when the then president of United States, Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton owed multi-million dollars in legal debt. Since that time, they both have managed to earn a whooping wealth in excess of $130 million. From where did this all money come from? There is a popular opinion that Clintons made that much through some really lucrative book deals and used to take extremely high fees for their speaking gigs. But, this all doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t look legitimate to earn that much in that little time in such an easy manner. The author Peter Schweizer takes a deep dive into the matter and shows audience that who actually is behind such enormous payments made to the Clintons. Peter exposes everything and showed the details about the pattern of corruption in Washington, which forced to bring new ethics laws and also caused some resignations to be given in Congress.

Peter Schweizer is mostly seen in his nonfictional books based on politics and more so the corruption of politicians. Many of his revelations made into the headlines of the top newspaper of the United States. A couple of his similar books with great corruption exposure are Secret Empires and Makers and Takers.

# Clinton Cash # Full Audiobook By Peter Schweizer



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