Down Along with That Devil’s Bones – Audiobook Online

Down Along with That Devil’s Bones is a beautiful book by author Connor Towne O’Neill.
Down Along with That Devil’s Bones presents an important and expansive account of how we got from Appomattox to Charlottesville, and our critical need to confront the past in order to move beyond it and move toward a society fairer.

Connor Towne O’Neill’s journey on the battlefields of white supremacy began with a visit to Selma, Alabama, in 2015. He had a chance encounter with a group of men preparing erected a statue in memory of Nathan Bedford Forrest, one of the Confederate’s most notorious generals, a man whom Confederate general William Tecumseh Sherman. After that day in Selma, O’Neill, a white Northerner who moved to the South, decided to dig into the history of Forrest and other monuments to him across the South, which, like statues Confederate radio stations throughout the United States, became a focal point in the fight against apartheid.

O’Neill learns that Forrest is more than just a sadistic champion; He was a slave trader and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. O’Neill encounters citizens who still hold Forrest in cult fear, desperate to preserve what they call their “legacy,” and he also speaks to others fighting to tear it down. monuments.

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