Harley Merlin and the First Ritual

Harley Merlin and the First Ritual is the fourth book in the Harley Merlin Series by renowned author Bella Forrest. Harley learned of the enemy’s plans. Many missing mages are still out there, Katherine vows to kill everyone that Harley cares about and make her follow. Harley finally unleashed her power despite the high cost.

We invite you to follow this wonderful story.

Chapter one
Getting myself socks into an interdimensional pocket wasn’t how I thought I’d be spending my night
I don’t get the ground and slammed into the marble with a happy thought
A bright light flooded the space above me
Cutting off my air supply
Has the golden bubble started shrinking around me
My lungs clogged for oxygen
And I scrabbled against the floor in a vain attempt to break free of the rapidly narrowing pocket
A pop sounded
And the bubble exploded outwards in a spray of sparkling shards
Jacob came running toward me
Are you okay
I didn’t mean to do that
I lay on my back
Panting like a dog at the beach
No worries
Everyone makes mistakes
I replied raising my hand
Your mistakes are just a little bit more powerful than other people
I sat up and dusted myself off taking his hand and he pulled me to my feet
He looks bashful
You sure you aren’t hurt
No harm done
What was that anyway
The last thing Isadora taught me before Catherine took her was how to make interdimensional Pockets by opening up for
They kind of work like corners on a soccer field
The way smaller
Explain Shiley
I just don’t have her skill
This is all useless without her guiding me
Thanks for the vote of confidence I said
No I didn’t mean it like that
I flashed him a grin
I’m only teasing Jake
I obviously don’t have any experience in this stuff
I was thankful I hadn’t broken any ribs
An 8 shot through my chest but it would soon subside
I probably just bruised my side or something nothing I couldn’t handle
I’ve been thinking
There must be a way to feel this stuff out I mean
How did magical do this back in the day when they first started shooting out of the womb
They must have done some guesswork and work on Instinct right
He nodded uncertainly
Not sure they came shooting out but I catch your drift
That’s what you need to do
I thought that’s what I was doing
Could you feel the bubble getting unstable
I prompted

Kind of
And what did you do about it
A brown
I pushed it out word
And what happened
Became loose from its
I don’t know what you call them
Anchors Maybe
So maybe you need to draw them inward instead
Keep the bubble study
His eyes brightened
That’s not a bad idea
Isadora kept telling me I needed to show restraint and be more precise in my actions
I kept destroying stuff around the hideouts we were staying at
Which she said was a control problem
I try not to show my Panic at his words
Then let’s start again and try something different
But I thought we wanted to develop an Escape Route for the coven
If all of this goes too
Language Jacob
I chided playfully
He smiled
His eyes turning sad
You sound like mrs. Smith
I guess you rubbed off on me after all
Jacob had been masquerading as Tarver for just over a week now
And we started training and secret each night
With him here at the coven there was no time to waste in trying to get his abilities up to Snuff
Not that I had any idea what I was doing
Nevertheless Alton have given us the key to the preceptor is private training room and instructed them to use the public why
Ones instead


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