Lieutenant Hornblower/ Horatio Hornblower Book 7 – Audiobook Online

Lieutenant Hornblower is the seventh literary fiction book in the Horatio Hornblower series by author C.S. Forester.
The second act of the Hornblower story is a gripping, roaring tale of chaos and triumph at sea. Young Lieutenant Hornblower took full command of a ship for the first time. Faced with near-rebellious challenges, bloody hand-to-hand combat, deck naval battles, and the violence and horrors of life aboard battleships during the Napoleonic Wars, Hornblower must find how to endure and overcome, as only a hero of his caliber can.

The novel is narrated through the eyes of Lieutenant William Bush. When Hornblower greeted Bush as the latter boarded the British 74-gun battleship HMS Renown (a third-rate battleship, not a frigate). Bush and Hornblower were both lieutenants (above intermediate, but below the commander and captain), and they quickly determined that Bush was Hornblower’s superior. Bush will be the third lieutenant while Hornblower will be the fifth lieutenant. Bush emerged as a man of action, brave and capable, but not overly intelligent.

The captain is paranoid and insane, and the first problem becomes what to do with him. He is eventually permanently incapacitated by “falling” down a ladder between decks; strongly implied that Hornblower had solved the problem himself, but that he was too clever to allow, even with a wink or a facial expression, that he did.

Command belonged to Second Lieutenant Buckland, who was dull and indecisive. The conceit of the novel is that Hornblower is a prodigy in naval warfare who manages to command the ship from afar through his superior officers with clever hints to the latter. He proved himself not only a genius in naval warfare, but also a genius at diplomatically managing his senior lieutenants, and motivating them to do what (for him) ) is the explicit action.

The final third of the novel is rather slow-paced, and mainly talks about how in peacetime Hornblower is reduced to poverty and forced to feed himself by playing whistling (a trick game similar to Bridge’s). ) to earn money. I think Forester realized that he turned Hornblower into a naval genius a bit too much and that for the sake of drama and human good, Hornblower would have had bad luck during the moment in his career, and also very difficult. fair gender treatment.

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