Look Alive Twenty-Five/ A Stephanie Plum Novel – Audiobook Free

Look Alive Twenty-Five is a mystery novel in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich.
Stephanie Plum faces the biggest puzzle of her career.

There’s nothing like good food, and the Red River Deli in Trenton is one of the best. World famous for pastrami, cole slaw and for the disappearing managers.
In the past month, three people have disappeared from the face of the earth and the only clue in each case is a shoe left behind. The police are confused.
Lula is convinced that it is an alien abduction. Whatever it is, they better find out what’s going on before they lose their new manager, Miss Stephanie Plum.

Stephanie Plum is a poor bail enforcement officer for her cousin Vinny – who is married to the daughter of a notorious mobster – Harry the Hammer. Connie is the sole authority at the agency. Stephanie’s assistant is Lula, a former ‘cough’ still dressed as one. Add Morelli, Stephanie’s boyfriend who is a cop, and Ranger, the extremely charming owner of the Rangeman security team (who also wants to be Stephanie’s boyfriend) and you guys have a pretty interesting mix of personalities. way.

Vinny and his father-in-law took over a fast food restaurant that was confiscated when the owner jumped on bail and disappeared. Now the managers just disappear and leave nothing but a shoe. Vinny lets Stephanie and Lula take over running the fast food restaurant in addition to her bail enforcement duties. Lula believes the aliens are taking over and she believes Stephanie is next.

Ranger and Morelli take turns defending Stephanie and the antics are, as always, amusing. Lula calls herself the sandwich queen at the fast food joint and creates something new with every order – no matter what the customer asks. Ranger is even involved in sandwich making. All of this is going on while they are trying to figure out what happened to the previous managers.

Will Stephanie and Lula still work at the fast food store when the next book comes out? Can’t wait to see.

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