O’Hara’s Choice A Novel – Audiobook Online

O’Hara’s Choice is a novel by author Leon Uris.
The story of the inevitable collision of these two handsome fighting spirits, where achieving their souls’ desires can jeopardize everything they and their parents previously worked hard for. and struggle to achieve.

Two decades after the Civil War, first generation Irish-American Zachary O’Hara, son of a legendary Marine and a force of one man in his own right, finds himself plays an important role because the survival of the Marines is at stake. decision. If he can help convince the Secretary of the Navy that the Marines will be vital to the security of the United States in the years to come, while still carrying a hidden burden in his heart, he will. saved the Marines and made his career.
But there was an obstacle in his way that this warrior had not planned. Amanda Blanton Kerr, the daughter of a ruthless industrialist, is on a mission of her own; Passionate, obstinate and intelligent, she is an heiress ready to pave the way for all women.

After reading what I thought were ALL Leon Uris novels, O’Hara’s Choice was a big surprise. Having served in the Marines during the Vietnam conflict, this book has a very good insight into how the Marines evolved and the struggles the force went through to make it up. a place in American history. Mr. Uris (also a Marine) has a perfect picture of the Marines. Combined with his novel Battle Cry, readers will get from the bottom up, a reality of what makes young men WANT to be Marines.

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