Online Audiobook – Hyperion By Dan Simmons

Dan Simmons is an American horror and science fiction writer. Hyperion is a horror novel in his Hyperion series. The content of the book is about in the world called Hyperion. In addition to the law of human hegemony, there is a creature called Shrike.

There are those who worship it, and there are those who want to destroy it. In the valley of the tombs of time, strike awaits us all. When the entire galaxy is at war, seven pilgrims set out on their final journey to Hyperion to find answers to the questions of their lives. We invite you to watch the next development of this great book.

We invite you to listen to this fascinating story. Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Hyperion Audiobook by Kate M.

I want to go back to school and learn all about the brain, then collaborate with chemists and microbiologists and neurobiologists and whoever else is around, to find a way to go in and bleach the memory of this book from my brain. In doing so I can then reread this book as if it were the first time. That’s how much I like this book. There’s your review. I said good day.

Review 2: Hyperion Audiobook by Charlie McQuillen

As with any story it’s really all in the telling. Dan Simmons is an amazing writer. His prose is exquisite, his characters well developed, the dialog is spot on and action sequences compelling.
The problem I have with this novel is that the writer tries to do too much with (what is obvious by middle of the book) the first in a series. It becomes more evident with each turn of the page that, with seven protagonists, there are just too many stories to flesh out and still follow the story arc as set out in the beginning of the book. While there is one of the seven who is supposed to be the prime focus of the tale he never really achieves a central place in the telling.
Artistically I found myself nonplussed at the fact that all of the main characters, in turn, tell their own back stories, ostensibly, in their own voice. Unfortunately Mr. Simmons does a poor job of varying from his own style, or removing his own voice from theirs. This results in a certain homogeneity of the stories, even though each one is significantly different and unique.
When I cast my thoughts back near the end of the novel I found it hard to differentiate where one characters story left off and anothers began, the prose used was just too similar, and should have been as varied as the people telling them.
So we have, basically, a collection of short stories from completely different characters and perspectives, yet all told in the same voice, and woven into the same story arc. It’s an interesting concept that could’ve been done better by taking more risks.
By letting our heros speak in their own voices instead of speaking through them in the authors voice these characters could’ve been much deeper and more engrossing.
Worse yet the author ends the novel abruptly in a ridiculous scene that’s lifted right from a famous kid-lit fantasy story’s middle! This weird left turn of an ending has the feel of an editors interference, possibly chopping up a too long novel into two, leaving the first with an inexplicable, maddening, mess of an ending!
There is no denouement, no satisfactory wrap-up at all. In fact I believe the publisher just arrogantly assumes that you’ll be compelled to buy the next book in the series.
Frankly, I’m not sure that I will.
C. M. Thanks for reading. :^)

Review 3: Hyperion Audiobook by Skye Gray

I think this is the best sci-fi I’ve read since Frank Herbert’s Dune trilogy. Imagine reading something as great as the movie Matrix written by someone who knows Keats, Shakespeare, Pound etc. I’m no technology buff, so I struggled to understand the world these characters inhabited – but it was so worth the effort. The characters are not as accessible as Frank Herbert’s – they are complex, disillusioned souls struggling toward an unknown but fascinating and compelling goal. I’m going to keep this review mercifully brief, as I’ve just bought the second book, but will close with the existential problems books like this pose for me.

I bought Hyperion impulsively because of its “brilliant, transcendent” etc reviews, which I happened upon looking for more Neal Stephenson. I came so close to missing it! How many more wonderful books am I missing? How will I know? Why do I live in the middle of nowhere? ahem.

Buy this book if you love beautifully written sci-fi mystery.

#audiobook, #online, #Science Fiction & Fantasy

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