
Private is the first novel in the Private series by renowned author James Patterson, Maxine Paetro. Renowned former Marine Corps builder Jack Morgan runs Private, a globally renowned investigative agency. Secretly influence the men and women of this planet with Jack every day, they use the world’s most advanced forensic tools to solve cases.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Private audiobook by Meaghan Bynum


I’m a big James Patterson fan so of course I buy almost every book he has put out. What I like about his books is they’re fast-paced and they keep my attention. This book, Private, is no exception.
I do recognize that some may not like this book. I call James Patterson’s books, especially these, the womens murder club, the Binnett series, etc. “Pop Cop” books. If you are looking for a book that has lots of mystery and you really have to think hard to figure out who killed who, this may not be the book for you. However, if you are like me and enjoy a fast-paced and very suspenseful read, I think you will like this book.
I want to make one final comment about the narator. He was good. I felt that he did the voices very well.
In short, I liked this book, but I do recognize that some will not. I think it’s worth the five stars and the one credit.

Review 2: Private audiobook by speck


Any additional comments?

I’ve listened to 10-12 audio books now, and this was the most difficult to get through without giving up on it. Very standard story, cliched throughout, full of eye-rolling machismo. Not very suspenseful. Narrator did a decent job except for the leprechaun voice (which was intended to be an Irish female love interest). Some books really do a good job of drawing you in. This one failed miserably at that.

Review 3: Private audiobook by Wayne

Thanks to Audible and Hachette Audio for…

…making this audio book available at no cost to Audible members.

My near heroic efforts to complete Private were successful. Narration is stellar, but the novel is pathetically bad. The subplots get in the way of the main story which is not very good itself. There are 10 James Patterson novels/novellas in my Audible library only three of which do not have a coauthor. I have read several other of his Alex Cross and Women’s Murder Club paperbacks which Patterson wrote without a coauthor. While none earned 5 stars they did earn 4. Every novel I have read with Patterson listed as co-author has earned no better than 3 stars.

I congratulate Mr. Patterson on building his brand into hundreds of novels and novellas most of which were written by others. His success is made even more impressive by the fact that most of those books are second rate.

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