Queens Of The Resistance Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – Audiobook Online

Queens Of The Resistance Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – Queens of the Resistance, Book 4, Audiobook Online By: Brenda JonesKrishan Trotman

Part of a four-book series Queens of the Resistance, celebrates some of the most beloved female bosses in Congress: a celebration of the AOC, the youngest woman to ever serve in Congress and the newest superstar of the Congress. Congress.

Not so long ago, no one could even have imagined a 28-year-old Latina upstart running for Congress representing Queens and the Bronx: It requires confronting an almost all-male political machine , white skin of the city. But since Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit the stage in all her mold-breaking glory, her Twitter talk, her bartending, the face of politics in the 21st century has changed.

Today, Ocasio-Cortez is a leading advocate of progress, garnering the support of his colleagues and winning the secret admiration of his enemies. She’s up against an outlandish president and a conservative media sector that leaves her under constant attack. Why? Because they are afraid of her gift of speaking the truth in the face of authority.

With her prowess in deep research and relentless writing as quotable as she is, Queens of the Resistance pays homage to this extraordinary woman.

About the series: Each book in the Queens of Resistance series is a tribute to the uprising against the oppression of women and the embrace of the new in the United States government. The series is embellished with the sassy, ​​lucid, and unruly leadership of current and future leaders.

The Doomsday Clock is just a minute away from midnight, and the patriarchal grid that lights up the “shining city on the hill” is about to go out. It’s time to give way to the alternative – the power of women.

The cover and some of the pages are beautifully illustrated, the hardcover is very stable but small and light so it’s all very handy. A well-written biography gives a good introduction to AOC’s life growing up and entering politics while highlighting important milestones and political circumstances. Suitable for young adults/young adults as the vocabulary is not as rigorous/political science based as other biographies.

I just wanted to get to know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because I find her the most interesting to listen to. Resistance Queens: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a very accessible book. It doesn’t read like a textbook, although it certainly provides a wealth of information. This language is effective in highlighting that not only biographies and non-fiction books can be for everyone, but AOC is an extraordinary individual on a daily basis. The authors are effectively telling their readers, “Hey, this woman from a working-class Bronx family has become the woman who inspires all of us. And you can do the same.” It’s a fun and lovely book, short, sweet and to the point, but packed with inspirational messages. This book would be the perfect book for anyone looking to learn from the brave leader, AOC. This book is perfect.


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