Rebel Dream: Enemy Lines I – Free Full Audiobook

Rebel Dream: Enemy Lines I is a good book by author Aaron Allston.
As Yuuzhan Vong’s spectacular conquest continues unchecked, Luke Skywalker, Han and Leia Solo, and Wedge Antilles are forced to destroy what they risked their lives to create. . . .

Scattered like rats before Yuuzhan Vong’s invasion of Coruscant, panicked members of the Advisory Council of the New Republic paused just long enough to set up a mock defense in nearby Borleias — an attempt obviously to buy time without fooling anyone, at least all the Jedi.

Leia and Han Solo travel from world to world to incite revolt against the disastrous appeasement policies of the New Republic. But Luke Skywalker chose the most dangerous mission: sneak into Yuuzhan Vong’s stronghold on Coruscant. His quirky plan to achieve the goal is either awesome or suicidal, depending on the outcome. And quickly descending upon Borleias is an invading fleet of Vong, determined to destroy the remaining defenders of the galaxy. . . .

Aaron Allston’s Dream of Rebellion is book number 11 out of 19 in the New Jedi Order and the first book in the Enemy Lines duo. I admit that I am still having some difficulty getting through the New Jedi Order. Many books could benefit from some serious editing. However, I had high hopes for Mr. Allston’s book, and he did not disappoint. It’s more like this. More action and less philosophy. I believe the seriousness of the threat posed by Yuuzhan Vong has finally been overcome. Heroic actions are being performed.

Coruscant has fallen. That’s a sentence I never expected to write. However, that is true. The city world is being ruined in many places and the invading aliens are in control. The new republic is falling apart. Everything looks grim.

In an attempt to fight back, Wedge Antilles led a force to recapture Borleais from Vong. After completing this, he works with his high-ranking friends such as Luke Skywalker to see what damage they can do to Vong. His plans were not received favorably by some of the former leaders of the Republic. A group of politicians holding their positions as the Advisory Council of the New Republic arrives in Borleais, meets with Wedge and other leaders, and tries to get them to accept the self-imposed plan. close. Through some ingenious maneuvers, Wedge managed to reject their plan and send them packing. This is a very clever part of the book.

From there Wedge and the other chiefs on Borleais formed what they called the Inner Circle to lead the resistance against Yuuzhan Vong. We’re going back to the days of the Confederacy of Rebellion and it was fun to read about. Skywalkers, Solos, and more – all the big names are involved and seem excited about it. Their plan was to act against Vong without suffering the crippling bureaucracy still prevalent to this day in the New Jedi Order. It makes you want to give a round of applause.

The author has included some new twists in Yuuzhan Vong. Former senator Viqi Shesh is now with Vong and is trying to prove his worth to them. She is truly a Machiavellian character and no one can be trusted. I won’t miss her when she’s gone. We are also introduced to Czulkang Lah, the father of Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Elder Lah is a warrior with legendary achievements, and he is an interesting character in the book. Overall, Vong is still extremely disgusted and very confusing.

Rebel Dream: Enemy Lines I 

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