The Explosive Child By Dr. Ross W. Greene – Audiobook Online

The Explosive Child by Dr. Ross W. Greene is a guidebook for parents, educators, and caregivers who are dealing with children who are easily irritable, moody, and prone to outbursts of anger or aggression. The book presents a new approach to handling such children, known as Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS).

The CPS approach focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of a child’s challenging behavior rather than simply punishing them for misbehavior. It involves working with the child to understand his or her perspective, uncovering any hidden concerns or issues that may be causing their frustration or anger, and creating solutions that are mutually satisfactory to both adult and child.

Through anecdotes, case studies, and practical examples, the book offers insight into the challenges faced by parents of explosive children, as well as how to effectively implement the CPS approach in day-to-day interactions with children. The author emphasizes the importance of empathy, patience, and creativity in resolving conflicts and building positive relationships with children who may have been previously misunderstood or labeled as “difficult.”

Dr. Ross Greene, a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the treatment of kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges, has worked with thousands of explosive children, and he has good news: these kids aren’t attentionseeking, manipulative, or unmotivated, and their parents aren’t passive, permissive disciplinarians. Rather, explosive kids are lacking some crucial skills in the domains of flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, and problem solving, and they require a different approach to parenting.

The Explosive Child is the highly acclaimed, lifechanging parenting guide in which Dr. Greene first delineated the Collaborative Problem Solving approach. Dr. Greene explains why kids exhibit challenging behaviors, why traditional behavior management strategies may not be effective for many kids, and how to use Plan B to solve problems collaboratively and teach your child the skills he or she is lacking.

As the model has evolved over the years, so has The Explosive Child, and it is available here in an abridged and updated fourth edition narrated by Dr. Greene.

Throughout this compassionate, insightful, and factual book, Dr. Greene provides a new conceptual framework for understanding their struggles. He explains why traditional parenting and treatment often don’t work for these kids, and he describes what to do instead. Instead of relying on rewards and punishments, Dr. Greene’s Collaborative Problem Solving model encourages working with baby boomers to solve the problems that lead to outbursts and to teach these kids skills they lack.

Useful book for those of us who’ve tried everything else and are sick of professionals telling us that sticker charts will help!
Only wish there was an unabridged version.

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