The Gate Thief

The Gate Thief is the second book in the Mithermages series by renowned author Orson Scott Card. Orson Scott Card continues the wonderful story of the wizard Westil, who lives in exile on Earth. Danny North is still in high school, his family still wants to kill him, because they can’t control him because he’s too strong.

We invite you to listen to this fascinating story. Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: The Gate Thief Audiobook by Devin

Series Has Lost Its Way…

I don’t know what happened to this story. I really enjoyed The Lost Gate and anxiously awaited book 2. Unfortunately The Gate Thief was a major let down.

This book really makes me wonder if OSC skipped over his teen years because it seems like he has no idea what teenagers are like. It’s not as if his characters act like adults as some bad YA authors’ protagonists do, they don’t really act like any human being I’ve ever met. It’s as if an android tried to write about human emotions based off of observations alone.

Danny North is obsessed with kissing girls, but also has some weird sexual repression/female purity issues going on. It doesn’t help that all the teen girls in his life are walking wombs in waiting. They don’t just want to have sex, they desperately want to get pregnant. Granted I’m no expert on the sex drives of teen girls, but I’ve never seen a single girl act like the girls in this novel do. It’s just really weird, not exactly creepy just mind bogglingly odd and not normal. I don’t know if he has strong religious beliefs about sex for procreation only that forces him to phrase teen sexual desire in this manner, but it’s just strange and divorced from reality. To make it worse, the story spends an inordinately large amount of time exploring these feelings. It’s true teens spend an inordinately large amount of time thinking about and discussing sex/relationships, but not like this.

Aside from poor representation of teen life, the rest of the story is lack luster compared to The Lost Gate. I lost interest in caring about Danny, Wad/Loki, and their version of the universe. The story does progress well enough, and OSC still knows how to tell a story with proper pacing. I just found myself struggling even to want the good characters to succeed. There were none of the endearing shenanigans of The Lost Gate(ie the Walmart scene). They talk about Danny being a trickster, but he doesn’t do anything deserving of that title.

This story wasn’t a wasted credit. The setting and magic system are interesting and fresh enough to keep me entertained. However I will have to carefully read reviews of book 3 before I decide to buy it.

Review 2: The Gate Thief Audiobook by Mimbral

The most powerful man on two worlds still fights to maintain his grades and attend classes while saving both Earth and Westil. Danny North returns as the strongest gatemage to have lived since Loki. And looking into why the gates were closes years ago he understands Loki’s reasoning for doing it yet looks to find another path.

Review 3: The Gate Thief Audiobook by Jim “The Impatient”

Encyclopedia Mage

Scott Card is my favorite writer. Ender’s Game is the best Sci-Fi ever written. HIs Fantasy is second only to Robin Hobb, His short stories second only to Robert Reed. He even wrote a good scary book called Treasure Box. I have read lots of his books and will continue to read his books.

The first book in this series The Lost Gate is a five star read. What Card has done with this book and done with many of his later books, is turn them into lectures. It is like he has forgotten how to tell a story. This reads like an encyclopedia on Gates and Magic. There are long explanations on how gates work. Lots of names are thrown at you. There are long soliloquies on how to conduct yourself with friends. One I can remember off the top of my head was how to treat a guest. Card needs to fire his editor and quit giving his stuff to friends and family for their suggestions. Get an editor that will make him use his god given talents. Card is a religious man, so do what Jesus often did. He often used parables, not sermons.

Here are some five star Card books in no particular order: Stonefather, Treasure Box, Songmaster, A planet Called Treason (read this instead of the rewrite Treason.), The Memory of Earth, The Call of Earth, Ender’s Shadow, Ender’s Game, First Meeting, The Folk of the Fringe, Hart’s Hope, Lost Boys, The Lost Gate, Seventh Son and the next two sequels. Audible has several of his short story collections that include some real good stories.

I like Rudnicki, but must agree with another reviewer, he is not suited to read teen characters.

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