The Gender Game 3: The Gender Lie

The Gender Game 3: The Gender Lie is the third book in the The Gender Game series by author Bella Forrest. One of Violet’s loved ones in need of life support, she and her fellow Liberators prepare for a breathtaking tour. How deeply does Violet prepare for the deception in her homeland?

We invite you to follow this wonderful story.

Chapter one
The steady beat of the equipment monitoring vigo’s vitals
Had become a soothing and constant reminder that he was still alive
I shifted in the chair that had become my second home and stared at his unconscious face
So here and miles away at the same time
When I first Sat by his bed
The Beats of the machine had felt like a metronome
Counting down the minutes until he died
Every missed beat or change in Rhythm would cause my heart to LEAP into my throat
Both fear for the worst
And hope for the best
I was numb to it
I knew that there would be no change
No miraculous recovery
Until we got the laser that was needed to seal the tear in his heart
But he had put there while protecting me from the twin princesses of matrice
He abused adrenaline patches to try to buy me time to escape
His heart had given out
He would have died if not for the intervention of a group whom I’d since learned called themselves
The liberators
Run by Desmond Bertrand
Former spy of matrice
When I first met Desmond
I didn’t know whether to trust her or not
Esteemed honest
And allowed me to stay
Promising to help me with Viggo and Tim if I would consider joining her side in a war against matrice
But then again her son had seemed honest
And he tried to kill me
Desmond’s offer was tempting
Matrice hadn’t done me any favors in the last 8 years
And after all I had been through
I was in no rush to return
Especially since I was being blamed for Queen Rena and Mister jinx’s death
My eyes glazed over as I stared at vigo’s chest
And my thoughts wandered to my brother
So much had changed in him during the years he’d been used as a guinea pig with the other lost
Boys of matrice
Has my homeland had tried to turn them into a better breed of human
Enhanced speed strength endurance
All tested here in this hidden facility within the green
When Tim fought with Mirena
He had held his own with her for several minutes because of his enhancement
It was why I had assumed he possessed the same enhancement is hers strength
But after looking at a file pilfered from Mr jinx’s lab
I learn differently
It was Tims reflexes that had been enhanced
Making him able to react faster than a normal person
All the enhancements came with a price however
I had discovered that Timbs with tactile sensitivity
Everything that touched him hurt him in some way
Even his clothes cause discomfort
He was also dealing with years of isolation and Trauma due to the so-called
Stress test that Mr Jinks had designed to test the boys limitations and weaknesses
It was lucky for Mr Janks that Lee cut his throat
If he were still alive
I would have done a lot worse to him
Considering she allowed her unborn children to be among the first experiments
As my mind returned once again to our narrow survival of the twins attack
I frowned
Thinking of Miss Dale
Desmond kept her locked in one of the cells that had been empty
You seen her since that day
I had asked about her more than twice
But Desmond had warned me that Miss Dale was their enemy
I tried to argue on my old teachers behalf
But my words fell on deaf ears
And I needed to be cautious when it came to Desmond
She had the power to keep me off the mission to procure vigoss cure
So I had resigned myself to keeping my mouth shut and my ears open
Given what I’d learned about the liberators
They all seemed
They were people
Just like vegan with me
Who would found out their government was lying to them
The majority of them were from matrice
But there were a few here and there
Mostly women
From Petrus
All were disillusioned like me
But I had been a pain in this game for far too long
Which was why I didn’t want to join Desmond’s Rebel faction
I didn’t believe that there was any way to win a war with matrice let alone start one
So I had kept my mouth shut and spend it off her request for me to become a full member
I told her that the moment
I was only concerned about Vigo
And making him well
If I was truly honest with myself
I was starting to like Desmond
She was Brusque but fair
Her orders were rarely ever refused
She opened her door to whomever had problems with them
And heard them out
She even changed her mind when a good argument was presented
I didn’t happen often
But I had seen it once with Owen
The young man who tried to kidnap me in the green
And it impressed me
Tearing myself away from my thoughts
Arie Focus my eyes on veto
I had come here to tell him that I was leaving
Reaching out a hand
I smoothed a lock of hair from his face
I still didn’t feel ready to say goodbye
Even if it was to depart on the mission to procure the object that could heal him
As much as I was excited
I felt nervous for several reasons
The first and foremost of which
Was leaving Vigo in my brother behind for any amount of time
I was in trusting their well-being to others
Something I wasn’t remotely comfortable with
My imagination kept running amok
Visualizing worst-case scenarios that could take place in my absence
It took every ounce of self-control I possessed to push my worries aside and remind my
Itself that what I was doing
I was doing for Vigo
I’ve waited too long for this mission
And I couldn’t falter now
Not with his life on the line
Desmond had located a warehouse in Patriot that had exactly the type of laser we were looking for
And if we did things right
Patriots wouldn’t even know it was missing


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