The Mountain Between Us By: Charles Martin – Audiobook Online

“The Mountain Between Us” is a story of two strangers, Ben and Ashley, who become stranded on a remote snowy mountain after their small plane crashes. They have to learn to rely on each other to survive as they face freezing temperatures, dangerous wildlife, and no hope of rescue. Throughout their journey, they develop a strong bond and explore the depths of their own inner strength. In the end, they are rescued, but not before they have to make some tough choices that could change their lives forever.

On a stormy winter night, two strangers waited for a flight at the Salt Lake City airport. Ashley Knox is a fascinating, successful writer, flying East for her much-anticipated wedding. Dr. Ben Payne has just finished a medical conference and is also eager to return to the East for a schedule of Surgery he has scheduled for the next day. When the last outbound flight is canceled due to a broken icebreaker and an oncoming storm, Ben finds a charter plane that can take him around the storm and drop him off in Denver to catch a flight. And when the pilot said the single-engine plane could carry one more, if that wasn’t enough, Ben gave up his seat for Ashley, knowing she needed to turn around quickly, too. And then the unthinkable happened. The pilot suffered a heart attack mid-flight, and the plane plunged into the High Uintas Wilderness – one of the largest stretches of inhospitable land in the United States.

Ben, who suffered a broken rib, and Ashley, who suffered a terrible broken leg, along with the pilot’s dog, are facing an extremely difficult battle for survival. Fortunately, Ben is a medical professional and passionate about climbing. With little hope of a rescue, he must nurse Ashley back to health and find a way to get them down the mountain, where temperatures fluctuate in adolescence.

Meanwhile, Ashley soon realizes that the very private Ben also has some serious emotional wounds to heal. He explained to Ashley that he had separated from his beloved wife, but that, according to a long tradition, he faithfully recorded messages addressed to her on his tape recorder, reflecting reflect on their relationship. When Ashley overhears Ben’s gentle words for his estranged wife, she begins to fear that when it comes to her own love affairs, she should just settle down. And more: she begins to realize that the man she is truly attracted to, the man she can fall in love with, is Ben.

I wanted to read the end of this book to see what was written in the ending to get a final thought that the book was well written.

I can’t stop thinking about this usually five-star book. It was “just another accident story” for a long time, but it took place in the High Uintahs, a rugged mountain range in my home state of Wyoming, so it was easy for me to visualize the terrain. Either way, most likely they were obtained thanks to Martin’s good descriptive article. However, it takes place in familiar surroundings and I like that.

The main character, Ben Payne, happens to be a doctor, it seems like Martin used his profession as a convenience, and he did, but it’s more than that. The way Martin keeps the plot secret is so good, it’s a tribute to his skill as a writer. Even just thinking about it now, it brings emotions to the surface. I love it.

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