The Power of Your Subconscious Mind By Joseph Murphy – Audiobook Online

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is a self-help book written by Joseph Murphy, first published in 1963. The book explores the concept of the subconscious mind and its potential to influence our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It delves into the power of positive thinking, visualization, and affirmations as tools for harnessing the subconscious mind to achieve success, happiness, and personal growth.

The central premise of the book is that the subconscious mind is a powerful force that can either work for or against us. According to Murphy, our conscious mind is like the captain of a ship, while the subconscious mind is like the crew. If the captain gives clear instructions and maintains a positive attitude, the crew (subconscious mind) will work diligently to fulfill those instructions. However, if the captain is indecisive or negative, the crew will be confused and unable to perform effectively.

Murphy emphasizes that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. He argues that by harnessing the power of our subconscious mind through techniques such as visualization and affirmation, we can reprogram our thoughts and beliefs to align with our desires. By consistently focusing on positive thoughts and affirmations, we can attract success, health, wealth, and happiness into our lives.

The book provides numerous examples and case studies to illustrate how individuals have used the power of their subconscious minds to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. It also offers practical exercises and techniques that readers can apply in their own lives to tap into their subconscious potential.

One key aspect discussed in the book is the role of faith in manifesting desires. Murphy suggests that having unwavering faith in the outcome we desire is crucial for activating the power of the subconscious mind. He explains that faith acts as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious minds, allowing us to transmit our desires effectively.

Furthermore, Murphy explores how negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs can hinder our progress. He encourages readers to identify and replace these negative patterns with positive affirmations and thoughts. By doing so, we can reprogram our subconscious mind to support our goals and aspirations.

Overall, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing the potential of the subconscious mind. It provides practical techniques, real-life examples, and insights into the power of positive thinking, visualization, and faith. By applying the principles outlined in the book, readers can tap into their subconscious mind’s power to transform their lives positively.

The Power of Subconscious Mind introduces and explains mind-focusing techniques that help remove subconscious obstacles that prevent us from achieving the success we want – and deserve.

This authorized edition of Dr. Murphy’s important work is the first high-profile mass-market edition to feature additional commentary drawn from his unpublished writings. Both practical and inspiring, Dr. Murphy’s work demonstrates with real-life examples how unleashing extraordinary mental power to build self-confidence, forge harmonious relationships, achieve professional success, accumulate wealth, conquer fears and phobias, eliminate bad habits, and even influence physical healing and promote overall happiness and well-being.

I really like this book! I think that’s a bit controversial because in general anything related to religion is controversial. I wouldn’t say it’s all about religion but it quotes the bible over and over again, so you should definitely know that before you buy it. For me, it bridges the gap I have from completely “buying” the law of attraction. I read Secrets and a few other books on the law of attraction but I didn’t buy it. I didn’t think it could be as simple as thinking about it, visualizing it and it would happen. This book puts it in a different light for me. I love that he works on so many true stories that happened to people he knows. For me, those stories are really helpful. The most important thing that has helped me is that at several points in the book he also mentions the fact that as Christians we are sometimes taught that being rich is a bad thing or that the desire for money is a bad thing so we can be at odds between what we want and what we “must” want. For example, if you’re jealous of someone who has more money than you, you might criticize them for having money, but you actually want it for yourself. He said those are conflicting thoughts because you are criticizing what you want. Those thoughts are just the reason why you didn’t have it in the first place. Because on the one hand you want it but in essence you are also saying you don’t because you are demeaning the same thing when you criticize it. According to him, you have to put everything in order, your beliefs, your thoughts, your actions and your expectations that one day you will get what you want. Oh and another important thing, you also have to give up the way. He said just believe you will get it but pay attention to HOW it will happen in your subconscious to get it for you. You should definitely pick up this book if you feel the law of attraction doesn’t have enough content, this book can help you as it helped me.

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