The Russian Understanding of War By Oscar Jonsson – Audiobook Online

The Russian Understanding of War by Oscar Jonsson is a comprehensive examination of Russia’s approach to warfare, exploring its historical context, strategic thinking, and military doctrine. The book delves into the unique characteristics of Russian military thought and provides insights into how Russia perceives and conducts warfare.

Jonsson begins by discussing the historical roots of Russian military thinking, tracing it back to the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. He highlights the enduring influence of this event on Russia’s perception of external threats and its emphasis on territorial defense. The author also explores the impact of other historical events, such as the Napoleonic Wars and World War II, on shaping Russia’s military mindset.

One of the key themes explored in the book is the concept of “deep battle,” which refers to Russia’s approach to conducting warfare across multiple domains and at various depths. Jonsson explains how this concept has evolved over time and how it has been incorporated into Russian military doctrine. He analyzes the role of technology in enabling deep battle and discusses how Russia seeks to exploit technological advancements for military purposes.

The book also delves into Russia’s understanding of information warfare and its use as a tool for achieving strategic objectives. Jonsson examines Russia’s use of propaganda, disinformation campaigns, and cyber operations to shape perceptions, sow discord, and gain an advantage in conflicts. He explores how these tactics have been employed in recent conflicts, such as the annexation of Crimea and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Furthermore, Jonsson explores Russia’s approach to hybrid warfare, which combines conventional military operations with unconventional tactics such as cyber attacks, economic coercion, and support for proxy forces. He analyzes how Russia has employed this strategy in conflicts like the war in Syria and assesses its implications for future conflicts.

Throughout the book, Jonsson emphasizes that understanding Russia’s approach to war requires a deep appreciation of its historical experiences, cultural context, and geopolitical considerations. He argues that Russia’s understanding of war is distinct from Western perspectives and that failing to recognize this can lead to misinterpretations and miscalculations.

In conclusion, The Russian Understanding of War provides a comprehensive analysis of Russia’s approach to warfare, examining its historical roots, strategic thinking, and military doctrine. Oscar Jonsson offers valuable insights into the unique characteristics of Russian military thought, shedding light on how Russia perceives and conducts warfare in the contemporary world.

This book analyzes the evolution of Russian military thinking and how current Russian thinking about war is reflected in recent crises. While other books describe current Russian practice, Oscar Jonsson offers a long-term view of how Russian military strategic thinking has evolved from the Bolshevik Revolution to the present. He scrutinized major Russian sources including security doctrines as well as the writings and statements of Russian military theorists and political elites.

What Jonsson reveals is that Russia’s conception of the nature of war is now changing, as Russian elites see information warfare and political subversion as the most important ways to wage contemporary warfare. Since information warfare and political subversion fall below the traditional threshold of armed violence, this has blurred the lines between war and peace. Jonsson also found that Russian leaders, especially from 2011-2012, considered themselves at war with the United States and its allies, albeit by nonviolent means.

This book provides much-needed context and analysis to understand Russia’s recent interventions in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, how to contain Russia on NATO’s eastern border, and how the West must learn how. avoid unintended escalation.

Very interesting and thought provoking. I recommend this book to anyone who loves to learn about the world and everything. Good overall score but shorter than I expected. It is also redundant in some cases. A good summary of current Russian thinking.

Listening to these two books in May 2022 gives the content a new perspective. It provides a very detailed and evidence-based understanding of how Russian military leaders think and how they see the world and their own place. It’s important if you want to understand why they act the way they do. Highly recommended.

This is an excellent book by Norwegian scholar Oscar Jonsson tracing the current development and thinking behind the Russian understanding of how war is waged and why. Published before the invasion of Ukraine, it nonetheless captures much of what observers are now seeing in the daily battles there. Russia makes full use of the field in military operations, with special emphasis on the information sector, which is different from Western concepts of war. He also spent time discussing how Moscow views itself to its neighbours, almost all of whom it considers rivals (there are no “neutral parties” in Russian thinking). Today, and in most news cycles, we hear more from Russian commentators about how this “special military operation” to protect Russians in Ukraine turned the world against Russia. Well, just like people think. The Russian style of war paranoia is alive and well, and Jonsson dissects it well.

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