The Secret By Rhonda Byrne – Audiobook Online

The Secret is a self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne and published in 2006. It is part of a series called “The Secret,” which includes other books, a documentary film, and various related products. The book explores the concept of the law of attraction and how it can be applied to achieve success, happiness, and fulfillment in life.

The central idea of The Secret is that the universe operates based on the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. According to the book, our thoughts and emotions emit vibrations that attract similar vibrations from the universe. Therefore, by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, individuals can attract positive experiences and outcomes into their lives.

Rhonda Byrne presents this concept through a combination of personal anecdotes, quotes from historical figures, and teachings from various spiritual traditions. She emphasizes the power of gratitude, visualization, and positive affirmations as tools for harnessing the law of attraction.

The book suggests that individuals have the ability to manifest their desires by aligning their thoughts and emotions with what they want to attract. It encourages readers to believe in their own power to create their reality and offers techniques for practicing gratitude, visualization, and affirmation.

Byrne also introduces the concept of a “secret” that has been known throughout history by a select few individuals who achieved great success. This secret has been passed down through generations but has remained hidden from the majority of people. The Secret claims to reveal this secret to its readers, providing them with the key to unlocking their full potential.

Critics of The Secret argue that it oversimplifies complex issues and promotes a “magical thinking” approach to life. They claim that it places too much emphasis on positive thinking without acknowledging the role of external factors such as socioeconomic conditions or systemic inequalities.

Despite the controversy surrounding its teachings, The Secret has gained immense popularity worldwide. It has sold millions of copies and has been translated into numerous languages. The book has also spawned a thriving industry of related products, including follow-up books, audio recordings, and seminars.

In conclusion, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book that explores the concept of the law of attraction and its application in achieving success and happiness. It presents techniques for harnessing the power of positive thinking, gratitude, visualization, and affirmation. While it has garnered both praise and criticism, it remains a widely read and influential work in the self-help genre.

It has been passed down the ages, much coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for huge sums. Fragments of this Great Secret have been found in oral tradition, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. It has been understood by some of the most famous people in history: Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie and Einstein, along with other famous inventors, theologians, scientists, and great thinkers .
For the first time, all parts of The Secret come together in an astonishing revelation that will change the lives of all who experience it.

In this audiobook, you’ll discover the Secret and you’ll learn how to be, do, or be anything you want to be. You will learn how to use the Secret in all areas of your life. You’ll hear from modern-day gurus – men and women who have used the Secret to health, prosperity, relationships, and happiness. They share incredible stories of using Secrets to destroy diseases, acquire huge fortunes, overcome obstacles and achieve what many consider impossible. Through them you will begin to understand the hidden, untapped power within you and the true splendor that awaits you.

You’ve probably heard most of the messages in this book because they’ve been around for a long time and the overall secret is simple to understand and practice – and I can tell you from first hand that it works. The real gem of this audiobook is that this story is exquisitely written and lovingly delivered. There’s passion in the first words and it’s contagious. This is a first class product and a very enjoyable listen. Don’t be surprised if you get all you asked for…that’s it!

Read it.. over and over until it clicks. If you’re not ready, set it aside until it calls you. It puts into understandable language much of what most religions have long taught (without control). Listen carefully. And think back to your own experiences to see that what is being said is true. Even if you don’t believe it, you will at least start thinking about your thoughts and maybe you will be happier. Worth the investment.

This is one of those amazing life changing books. Also, the recording is excellent. Sometimes a book has more impact in the audio version and this is a perfect example. I would say that one would be better off listening than reading in this case.

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